
History UACJ Corporation
On October 1, 2013, the business name of our company was changed from 'SUMIKEI TECHNO CZECH s.r.o.' to 'UACJ Extrusion Czech s.r.o.' The change follows the merger of the parent company Sumitomo Light Metal Industries, Ltd. and Furukawa-Sky Aluminum Corporation, where UACJ Corporation was established on October 1, 2013. Company ID and company address are without changes.
- Dec. 2013 UACJ Foil Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. established following the acquisition of aluminum foil manufacturing and sales company Hydro Aluminium Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. by consolidated subsidiary Nippon Foil Mfg. Co., Ltd.
- Jan. 2014 UACJ Foil Corporation established by merging the businesses of consolidated subsidiaries Nippon Foil Mfg. Co., Ltd. and Sumikei Aluminum Foil Co., Ltd.
- May 2014 Signed formal agreement with Constellium N.V. to establish a joint venture company and collaborate in Body-in-White business in the USA.
- Jul. 2014 UACJ Trading (America) Co., Ltd. established by consolidated subsidiary UACJ Trading Corporation.
- Oct. 2014 Automotive parts manufacturer and seller Iwai Metal Central Mexico, S.A. de C.V. (currently UACJ Metal Components Central Mexico, S.A. de C.V.) began operations.
- Dec. 2014 “Global Step I” mid-term management plan announced.
- Aug. 2015 Furukawa UACJ Memory Disk Co., Ltd., manufacturer and seller of materials for aluminum memory disk substrates established through a joint venture with Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., began operations.
- Aug. 2015 Integrated production started at the Rayong Works of UACJ (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Jan. 2016 UACJ ELVAL HEAT EXCHANGER MATERIALS GmbH, sales company of automotive heat exchanger materials for European markets, began operations in Germany.
- Feb. 2016 Increased stake in RUYUAN DONGYANGGUANG UACJ FINE ALUMINUM FOIL CO., LTD., a supplier of automotive heat exchanger materials in China, and decision made to establish a joint-venture company, SHANGHAI UACJ DONGYANGGUANG ALUMINUM SALES CORPORATION, a sales company of heat exchanger materials in Shanghai, collaborating with the parent company of the aforementioned entity.
- Apr. 2016 Acquired a leading company in the North American automotive aluminum structural materials/parts market and launched it under the name of UACJ Automotive Whitehall Industries, Inc.
- Apr. 2016 Established UACJ North American Inc., a regional headquarters in the USA.
- Apr. 2016 UACJ Metal Components Corporation formed by merging three group companies: Nalco Iwai,NIKKEI KAKOH Co., Ltd. and Nalco Ena.
- Mar. 2017 Capital stock increased to ¥52.277 billion.
- Apr. 2017 UACJ Marketing & Processing Mexico, S.A. de C.V. a sales company of automotive parts,established in Mexico.
- Apr. 2018 Established R&D Division (North America), our first overseas R&D base, at UACJ North America, Inc.
- May 2018 Second mid-term management plan announced.
- Oct. 2018 UACJ Aluminum Center Co., Ltd. was established after the consolidation of the coil center business functions of cutting and machining aluminum coil materials.
- Oct. 2018 Established R&D Division (Thailand), making this the third country where UACJ R&D facilities are located (following Japan and North America).
- Sep. 2019 Formed a business alliance with subsidiaries of China's CITIC Group and established DICASTAL UACJ BOLV AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS CO., LTD. as a joint-venture company to manufacture and sell extruded and machined automotive parts.
- Oct. 2019 Transferred shares of UACJ Copper Tube Corporation, a consolidated subsidiary, to Toyokawa Holdings Inc. Following this transfer, UACJ Copper Tube changed its name to NJT Copper Tube Corporation.
- Feb. 2020 Established SHAOGUAN UACJ DONGYANGGUANG ALUMINUM SALES CORPORATION to sell automotive heat exchanger materials and aluminum foil for electrolytic capacitors and vehicle batteries in China.
- Jul. 2020 Completed construction of a new factory wing at the Fukui Works for manufacturing automotive body sheet.
- Oct. 2020 Integration of coil business companies into UACJ Aluminum Center Corporation
- Apr. 2021 Merger of UACJ Color Aluminum Corporation into UACJ Aluminum Center Corporation
Signing of the UN Global Compact, entry into the Global Compact Network Japan - May 2021 Announcement of the third mid-term business plan